
Chapter 10 - April 25th 2005

validate data

data validation -

batch processing - all items gathered togheter before it is run (many proggies cant run in batches)
interactive processing - programs require user input on the fly
programs must run interactively - user put in something proggie acts in response
real-time applications - interchangeable with interactive, while transaction is taking place
also called online processing, realtime, interactive
offline processing is like Batch processing

menu program - common type of interactive program

MSDOS - is like a console application, uses keyboard input
windows OS - is like a GUI based application interface, uses pointing device or mouse

single-level menu - after one level that is the ultimate purpose of program
multi-level menus - has menus in menus in menus...

while respon

print "(1) addtion problesm"
print "(2) subtraction"
print "(3) display menu"

black boxes - refrences to the modules, they are invisy to the rest of proggie


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