Happy Anniversary for Anna!! I love you boo...
This picture is of Anna and I on our one year anniversary, celebrating at the James River. We started dating one year ago on June 5, 2004 (obviously since its our one year anniversary, but I am clarifying cause I posted this on the 6th). Now for the story of how it all started... We were driving back late to Anna's house after dropping off Ashley at her house. That's when I told Anna that she was very special to me and that I cared for her. On the way back we stopped off at our church cause I noticed some outside lights were on that should have been off. I hopped out to get the lights while leaving my truck on so I could see. Well I drive a big Dodge Ram so Anna sitting in the passenger seat is about 2.5 feet away from me seperated by a fold-up center armrest that doubles as a seat. Well while I was out turning off the lights Anna slid over and folded the rest up. Now this was unbeknownst to me cause I had the headlights of the truck in my eyes. So I walked around to the driver side and opened the door and lo and behold the most beautiful woman in the world was sitting RIGHT next to my seat. I didn't tell her then but my heart was goin about 500 mph. I climbed up like I was all big and bad and expected it and put my arm around her and we left the church for home. On the drive, we talked some more and we pretty much agreed that we should start dating. It was really important and special to us because Anna and I have never dated any one else before nor approached our parents about it. But in our hearts we knew then that we were meant to be together. Well I have to get ready to go help my dad so parts of the story are left out but I can post later. I just wanted to share our first night together when we really started dating.

Posted by Hello

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