
VBS 2k5

Ah yes... The annual event of Vacation Bible School here at my church. It is always associated with some prepackaged theme that we apply to the decor and curriculum of the week. This year's is Construction Zone: Building Character Like Jesus. Its a cool idea. The kids of course love it. I am here right now before the kids arrive sitting at the main computer doing some video work while I wait. Now I bet you are wondering why this is such a big deal. Why would he make a post about something as simple as a church Bible camp for pre-k to 5th graders... Well the reason is because of the underlying significance of the camp for my personal life. VBS was the location of the first time I told Anna that I loved her. Ok ok... I know I am gettin sappy but its true. Its so cool to have stuff like this attached to my memories. I have so many now thanks to Anna. I honestly sat with her for a long time and tried to remember memories from when I was little and I couldnt remember any but a few of the not so good ones. Well its different now. I have so many good memories now thanks to Anna. Its just phenominal. One of the big ones is when I told her that I loved her for the first time and it was here at VBS last year. Sigh... ok enough sappy stuff... Its about to start here so I better get goin so I dont miss anything. Laters...


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