
C++ Programming

char a = 'G'; this is if you want to store only one character

char name[20]; this will store an array that has 20 spaces in it so you can save something like 'Richmond' so maybe call the array

char city[10]='Richmond' since there is a blank space in the array cause richmond doesnt take all 10 then the last space will have a null character. So really in an array of 20 there is only space for 19 cause the last place will be occupied by a null character.

int a;
a = 10;
a = 40;

thats how you declare and assign and update wiht a simple variable
for a string to be assigned there needs to be an array declared first...

char name[20];
name='Richmond'; you cant just put after...

char name[20]='Richmond'; this si the correct way of assigning a string to a array

OR you can use a cin to complet the assign

char city[20];
cout<<"type your city";


/* sets off multiple lines off as a comment */

// will set just a single line off as a comment...

2^64-1 is the current limit of the integer and if you need to go beyond that use a different data type

Escape character - a character that the compiler has set for a special purpose

\n - New line
\t - Horizontal tab
\b - Backspace
\r - Carriage Return
\a - makes a beep noise out of the machine...


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