Today Luke and I decided to head out and just shoot for the fun of it. We just lingered through the woods behind my church and took our time. In the end though, I had better results practicing my portrait taking. I find that fellow photographers make really good subjects mainly cause I see myself in them. And Luke... Well Luke is Luke and he's just cool like that. We just hung out and talked about anything. Give us a week though, cause next Friday we hope to head down into the city and just take account of the Friday night life in Richmond. I know a lot of people say that Richmond is a boring and that its just old. Well I feel that the oldness adds its own "charm" and that there are a lot of places that gain from its vintage like feel. So next week I am hoping to have a pretty good series of shots that can boast that characteristic of Richmond. Time to go for me now, I have to drive to Williamsburg and then Norfolk to pick up Anna and my brother accordingly. I hope you like the pictures.
This is my page with my thoughts, ideas, and art. If you wish to copy any of it just ask. Any written text is up for grabs, but please out of respect for a fellow artist just ask before you use my photos. At least give me credit where ever it is used and/or make a link to this page. Thanks so much and hope you enjoyed my Fractured View.
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