
Her real name is Kerri but I will leave out her last name so you creeps out there wont stalk her. Anyway last night Anna and I decided we needed to see each other cause lets face it we can barely go a week without seeing each other. She had studying to do and so did I so we guessed we could do it together. Well I came over to the girl's apartment and we hung out there for a little while before we shot out to Swem library to study more there. Now take into account that Anna and Kerri were both tired, but honestly the three of us were dying laughin' at EVERYTHING. From me "clearing the table" to the proper etiquette about guy's facial hair (don't ask, but 'you need to shave') we were laughin so hard we cried. Then we decided we would head over to the library cause the girls decided to skip dinner. That soon ended after about an hour when the decision was made to send me out for grub. So I shot over to the nearby Food Lion to get some chicken tenders, potato wedges, and something to drink. I got everything and shot back. I gotta get the pictures off my camera but hilarity insued. We just had a good time hanging out and eating and trying to hack to soda machines. Best part of all was the fact that throughout the night K-Dawg sported my BIG Megadalon shark tooth necklace. It was funny the reactions that people were giving her when they saw petite Kerri with this HUGE tooth. Good times... Ok well back to work, just wanted to post this entry before I forgot about it. Later
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