I love when things break. It creates an opportunity for new things to arrive. Case in point, my
iPod headphones. The ones that came with my iPod gave up the ghost prematurely. Apparently with all the jostling around and squeezing against my text books it finally decided to come apart. I should have seen the end coming when I noticed the metal screen was dinked and dented. That caused the overall integrity of the headphone to come apart. Well they finally gave way and popped out and yea it sucked. I had my HUGE
Sony MDR-V700DJ phones but yea... they are massive. I also had some cheapo Sony back-of-head-wrap-arounds but my brother had taken them to
school with him. I finally headed over to the local Best Buy to try and find a set that I liked and was a good performer. Well I saw the Shure E2C which are the dream of all audiophiles, though the E5C is even better. Either way I was looking for something that could go in ear for the sound isolation but I also wanted some good deep bass which is often lacking in earbud design (unless you shell out some serious change for something like the Shures). I spotted a 40 dollar set of headphones from Sony that seemed nice had a good design and touted deep bass reproduction, but I wasn't convinced. I spotted some KOSS buds but they looked like they would fall apart as easily as the iPod ones did. Then I saw this catchy looking Phillips ones. They had "virtual surround sound" at this point I was just tired of standing there (the time that elasped was nearly 1.5 hours) so I just bought them and walked out. I have to say... I like them. I didnt wanna seem all trendy getting white ones sinces these were "designed for the iPod"(meaning they are white). They actually do have really good sound reproduction and a very decent bottom end. The buds have these grated openings in the back of them that intially look like they are just stylish, but if you where them and have music going and cover those holes the bass drops out completely. I guess whatever they are using for the bass relies on the air delivered through that hole. So thats my little review on my Phillips headphones. Sorry I couldnt find a link for them but trust me they are at the Best Buy nearest you. Later.

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