Where's the sunrise?
Ok first off... read the comment for the "Ceaseless Journey" post. Actually here it is...
Devthedevastator said...
Well if you want my honest opinion I believe your doing an excellent job. You do go out of your way with the teaching thing compared to even the most experienced teachers. They throw a book at us and tell us to read but you actually go through and tell us what we NEED to know and make sure we get it all down. And we get to tear open sloppy drives with pliers, bwhahaha. I have made a mental note to myself to NEVER EVER try to steal your attendance cards. O.O Fo real though, been my favorite class so far and learned more in this one than I will ever learn in one of those other fools classes. And don't worry about the time thing, once you're out of college your gonna be able to see your girl and have the time to do everything you been wanting to do. Why else would you have been spared in all those close calls ;) surely not to waste away under all the stress
Dev I know you arent a brown noser but thanks for that comment it helped out. Ok moving along to what I want to talk about.
I have started to listen to podcasts again after a couple months away. All I gotta say is that Adam has been crazy busy with Ron Bloom and is doing alot of things. I see that some of the podcasts have moved over to Sirius Satellite Radio. Thats awesome!! I want to find out more about this "Unlabel Record Company" that will be starting up through the Podsafe Music Network. In fact I have just a deluge of podcasts on my pod right now. What's a boy to do with a pod that has 60 gigs with only 20 gigs of music... download tons of next gen radio content!! Here's a current list of some of the podcasts I got: DSC, Dawn and Drew, MK show, Fly With Me, Tips from the Top Floor, Diggnation, and a few others. Needless to say I have lots of 'casts to listen to. Well after gettin re-interested in the podcasting I have been listening like crazy and dont have anytime for anything else. Actually I dont have time now cause I have to goto class but will write more later..
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