Long time since I posted

It has been quite a long time since I have posted and ALOT has happened since. Lets see where did I leave off... My last "real" post was about Kerri. Then I had a short post about a link I posted on Digg. Digg is "a social news network" that allows users to submit their own type of news articles and people can dig what their friends post. Anyways... biggest thing so far is my new laptop!! SAWEET!! Its a Toshiba 17" Widescreen with a Centrino 1.78 Ghz processor. The RAM can go up to 2Gb but the kicker for me was the internal 100Gb HD. AWESOMENESS!! I love AND use lots of memory and laptops tend to always be lacking in that category with 40 - 80 gig drives usually installed. So having the 100 Gigs makes this very nice. Aside from that I am also shopping around for a BG-E3 for my Canon XT. I gotta get ready for this India trip that is coming up this Christmas. I am so excited about it since I get to take my lovely girlfriend, Anna, with me. She has never been to India before, let alone traveled with my family which is its own adventure. I have so much I want to show her and share with her. It's going to be great!! (Extra points to me for sounding like Tony the Tiger)
On a lighter note, I got an Amish Cinnamon Loaf from a grandparent of one of my students. It is now the second thing that I have received from a student. The other was one of those little plaster and paint statuette that resembles an apple sitting on top of two books. The bread was phenominal.
I am currently in my Systems Analysis & Design class. This class is such a waste of my time. I have done Systems design on my own for years now but I have to sit now and listen to this guy go over the same material that is basic knowledge for any IT person. Stupid stuff like "Technology drives innovation..." WHAT THE HECK!?! Thats like a given for any situation. I mean look at the Romans with the Phalanx. The Roman legions developed the long spears and shields and the legions could literally just march over any opposing force. The the proffessor has to go over the whole process of explaining what outsourcing and in-house production is. If the morons in this class can't figure that out from the word itself, then they shouldnt even be in college. Often times I hate the utter lack of drive and intelligence that are in some peers. I mean can these people truly believe that they will succeed in the world? They really need to get a different view and realize that it is because of their apathetic view that all the money in the United States is leaving it and being invested overseas. We are such fat lazy pigs here in the US we dont even want to sweat to do even simple office work. So all the work goes off-shore. Ok, enough of my rant, I am done
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