Closer & closer...
With each passing day I get closer to my departure for India. I had hoped that I might start a podcast about it where I could log my journey from over there. Unfortunately, I can't find any easy way to do so due to limited access to solid broadband. I will be taking so many pictures anyway that it will be a hinderance to try and do sound-seeing tours or to even try to whip out a laptop and blog. I am traveling with my family and my sweetheart, so I will have enough to wrap up my attention let alone the task of blogging or podcasting. What I might do is start a blog for my India trip and as I find the opportunity post there or put up a picture. I doubt I will do anything really serious bloggin wise till I get home. I do plan on journalling my trip by hand into a paper journal. I did that last year when I went and it was really awesome to have later. In fact, I might try to use that same journal cause I know I didnt fill it up all the way.
I am so busy. I know that seems to be the catch phrase of the past 5 years, but especially now because I am trying to wrap up my finals and such while at the same time trying to teach the stuff I have to for this semester at PGHS. So many things going on. In fact I think that the world in general is just getting busier and busier. I think at some point we are going to hit critical mass. There is only but so much the planet can take from all this constant running around we do as humans. We as a species are the only ones on the planet that are so entropically busy. I know ants and creatures of that kind are even busier than we are but honestly they all are that busy as a unit with one set hive kind of goal. Now I am not trying to say we need communism and all of the world should be under one control. What I do mean is that we need to take considerations for all others around us to at least slightly help the species as a whole all gain our own individual goals. So many people are self-centered and only seeking to extend their own little plot of territory and wealth on this planet. If we all instead tried to make sure everyone else was able to move up then we would all gain.
I am so busy. I know that seems to be the catch phrase of the past 5 years, but especially now because I am trying to wrap up my finals and such while at the same time trying to teach the stuff I have to for this semester at PGHS. So many things going on. In fact I think that the world in general is just getting busier and busier. I think at some point we are going to hit critical mass. There is only but so much the planet can take from all this constant running around we do as humans. We as a species are the only ones on the planet that are so entropically busy. I know ants and creatures of that kind are even busier than we are but honestly they all are that busy as a unit with one set hive kind of goal. Now I am not trying to say we need communism and all of the world should be under one control. What I do mean is that we need to take considerations for all others around us to at least slightly help the species as a whole all gain our own individual goals. So many people are self-centered and only seeking to extend their own little plot of territory and wealth on this planet. If we all instead tried to make sure everyone else was able to move up then we would all gain.
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