Well I got insanely bored today in "Current Issue in Information Technology". Its not my fault that I read every tech-related website and blog, which therefore puts me ahead of the class because I am... LITERATE!! I mean come on some of these people don't know where CDMA or GSM come from. Plus new things like Wi-MAX and such are just too much to handle. Anyways... So I was bored cause the "phenomenon" of 802.11 a, b, and g was blowing my fellow classmates minds. In turn what did I do? I went online to figure out how to translate English words to Kanji Japanese Characters. I mean wouldn't you? So I thought of figuring out "Samurai" or something like that just for fun. Then I had the genius idea of redrawing the character onto the lid of my laptop. Ok so now I know what I want to do... question is what do I write? Well as most who have been in a relationship know the thought that consumes your mind the most is that special someone. So I went on a quest to translate Anna into Kanji and then find the word Love. Easily done on both. I went to an import car website to find the sticker that matched the word "Love". The difficult thing with Japanese is that it can be written in many different styles: Calligraphy, traditional, Manga, and many others.

So I picked traditional and lo and behold I got a design. I got Anna's name and just popped it there underneath. Problem was I had no tracing paper, no way to print, and no desire to leave my chair. Problem solved, up my screen to its brightest setting, put a paper over my screen, and redraw by hand with pencil. Ok so all of you tech heads can take a breather, I KNOW THAT WAS STUPID. Hehe... its always in hindsight that stupidity is realized. I could have easily scratched my screen or even popped it. Luck & my angels were with me so they kept my screen safe. I then took the paper with the pencil rendition of the characters and placed them on my laptop lid. Securely holding it place with my hand (which also was a bad idea seeing as how the whole thing could move and mess up the drawing) I retraced again except this time via Sharpie. 35 min later, my computer is inked. I actually REALLY liked it. I will probably do it all over again except using like a Paint Pen or something so that it will have a more lasting color and actual depth. So now right under my right hand will always be Anna, then on the outside declaring to the world my laptop will say "Love Anna" But yea see for yourself... I'm OUT
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