
Pronunciation: 'lIt-ni[ng]
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from gerund of lightenen to lighten
1 : the flashing of light produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity; also : the discharge itself
2 : a sudden stroke of fortune
Ok last summer I went thru a weird "stormchaser" phase where I would listen to the weather report and as soon as a lightning storm was announced I would grap my camera, tripod, and keys and go hauling off to it to try and find an open field to set up and shoot in. My usual go of things was to set up my tripod in the bed of my truck with my canon strapped in then shoot continuous frames of extended shutters by taping down the button. Well the lure of it all was that with every 200 frames I would get like 2 maybe 3 really gorgeous shots. Usually I would be aimed at the wrong part of the sky and then when I would move the lightning would bolt in the part of the sky I was aiming at before. I always have interesting stories to my photos. What would have been even more interesting would be if I got struck by lightning. After all I am standing in the bed of a HUGE truck, with a electric camera, on a tripod, in a storm... Yea I am always asking for it.
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