
Class 1-31-05

Today I am really tired from a long weekend. Saturday morning I went to NJ for my cousins 1st birthday. She was so funny. My uncle had a clown and huge cake and stuff. The clown had a leaf blower with a paint roller on the end of it and was using it to blow tissue paper on everything. Either way we drove back sunday itself and got here sunday night. Now we are in class and discussing the HW assignment we turned in last time. I think I did pretty well on it, I was one of three people who typed the assignment up so that def helped out. Right now we are discussing the way any task can be structured in flow charts. Dual and single = dual means there are two actions after a decision is made adn single is when it goes one way or goes another and does an action.

Nesting / Stacking

Nesting - structure within another structure, like putting two different series under a decision basically like the dual
Stacking -

Case/ Do Until

Case structure - several distinct possible values for a single variable

case based on class
case "Freshman"
case "Sophomore"
case "Junior"

Do Until - its when u do something until some state is reached

pay bills
until all bills are paid

Do While - while situation is going on continue to do something

while there are more bills to pay
pay bills

That ends the discussion on that... problems on page 68 now... Due next week: all the problems

#2 -

a. 3,
b. 5, 4
c. 1

Class wrapped up... dont forget homework


Class 1-28-05

Well this is Programming Logic and Design. We have to maintain this Blog for class because Dr. Quaye said so. I think its a good idea because more people should use self-publication on the internet. With the advent of Blogging and Podcasting there are more and more ways to express your thoughts freely and uncensored. Not that one should be so inclined to use all sorts of expletives but things like Political Correctness and taboo subjects can be freely discussed to gain an idea of what a persons views are on some things.


First Post

Trying it out for the first time