
Shari's HUGE bass... hehe

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Me & my boo right before she left for college for his fall...

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Anna doesnt think shes a good photographer... I just think that her model (me) is the one that messes the pictures up...

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This wierdo is blocking the sunrise... oh thats me... hehe

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Yes... just that crazy...

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Anna and I on our anniversary...

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Anna watches me drive...

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Op/Prod Class

Mission statements Chapter 2

Differentiation - being unique

Minit-Lube -

We hope to provide a quick and inexpensive service to your vehicles lubrication needs while meeting your needs of a clean appealing enviroment

C++ Programming

int main( ){


inside the curly braces is the main body of the source code

using Dev C++

printf - name of function to display anything

printf("Hello World"); = this is how printf is used

need to reference the Header File which is included in the program and alerts complier that the proggie uses runtime librarys
you can find the header file by ctrl-click on the function
type it at the begining before main as below...

"/n" is written at the end of the string so that it will write it as a new line...

system("") = is directions for the computer and in the case below it makes it pause in the console window and wait for a key stroke

In order to display Hello World
int main(){
printf("Hello World\n");

The above is a Console Application it basically runs within an MSDOS window and has no GUI. The above is from page 61 in the text book.

"cout" is another way of displaying text to a screen but in order to use it one must put
using namespace std;
Before the int main... Like so

using namespace std;
int main(){
printf("Hello World\n");
cout<<"Any message\n";


int age;

int is a type of variable and age is the name of variable

the three data types are:
  1. int - Integer
  2. float - Float
  3. char - Character

Naming a variable:
Cannot used a reserved word
Spaces cannot be used in a variable name
Identifiers must begin with an uppercase or lower case ASCII letter or underscore
Numbers can be used in an identifier but cannot be the first character
Special characters such as $, &, *, or % cannot be used

to set up a variable with a value
int myVariable = value
Like so below to recall it and print to screen

using namespace std;
int main(){
int Age=21;
cout<< "My ages is ";
cout<< Age;

** cout using endl makes it a new line

char Sex='M' ** this si used to display a single character for the variable of Sex


Operation Management

Operation Management - activities related to goods & services

Goods - tangible item, can be stored for future use
Service - intangible, used immediately


Figure 1.1 Examples of Industry

Leadership - motivates, lead by example

Table 1.2 Design of service & product
Quality Management
Layout Design
Id service area
Supply Chain management
Scheduling and maintenance
Etc. etc.

Jobs of Operation Managers
Plant manager, quality assurance, director of purchasing, process improvement consultant, supply chain management

Over 80% is services and the 20% is manufacturing but most all of that is done over sea

Just-in-time performance: Deliver what is needed when its needed how many is ordered no more no less its so there is less waste

Supply chain manager:

Rapid Product Development: the time to develop a product from begining to end is very short cause of information technology

Mass Customization: huge volume built to specs of personal configuration of individuals cause computers allow it to be

Empower Employees: participatory decision making with bottom-up approach with ideas of underlings being valued by the management and executives

Enviromentally Sensitive Production: materials are recyclable and the air water stay clean

Productivity challenge:

productivity = output/input
page 14-15

Ok that was the notes from today's class... go get the book btw...



Pictures from Youth Camp

The love of my life... Anna Glass... shes so gorgeous... it just makes me smile looking at her

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Awww.... Courtney...

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Luke looking very cool..

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Clouds are just so awesome... right Anna?? ;)

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Perfect rainbow... too large to fit in the frame..

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Night at Garden City

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Night at Garden City, SC

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Anna @ the beach... just beautiful, oh the beach is too...

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