New life at home

Well to give myself a little bit of a challenge I did something that most wouldn't do... I adopted two puppies. A friend of ours dog had puppies so we came and took a look. Well we walked out with a little girl and a little guy. There was a time where they were not named cause I wasn't home and I always want to have an important role in naming my dogs. Well the little girl's name is Tirzah. Its a Hebrew name that I pulled from the movie Ben Hur and the Bible. Tirzah is actually a City of Kings in the Bible and it means beauty. And I mean look at that face. She's such a sweetie.
Then I got my boy Titus. He is so full of himself its hilarious. I already have two other dogs that are full grown. Buddy and Leeloo. Buddy is pushing around 120-130lbs and Leeloo is around 40lbs. Either way Titus treats these two as if they are puppies. He is so sure of himself and he knows he will be big. And he will be. Even at ten weeks old he has paws that are nearly the size of Buddy's. I mean just look at him. So pompous and sure of himself.

I love having the little dogs around. They remind me of life. They are just bundles of energy constantly running and needing and getting into stuff. I can't wait for them to grow up and see how much they have matured and gained knowledge of the world. Right now they are so curious and intrigued by even the simplest grasshopper or toad. For example, the other day Tirzah was walking by the trash cans and saw motion and locked onto it. Sure enough she had found a toad and she started jumping at it and sniffing it. Titus saw her jumping around and came over to check on it. Then the two of them like nuzzled each other as if to say "Hey lets play with it" and then they continued to pounce on it till the poor toad died. Now that may seem cruel but I wanted them to see what happened. They then realized that there's no nutritional value in a toad, now they know what one is and that its no good killing it.
Its just so interesting to see how a mind develops and lets face it... Puppies are cute.