

So its raining today. Its been quite awile since I last posted. I bought a guitar yesterday. Its a Martin Dreadnought. I am happy with it and very excited to learn. Yes its true that I don't know how to play yet I bought a Martin. I find that for me if I invest money seriously in a hobby then I will "guilt" myself into learning. I just want to be able to strum some tunes and have a skill that lots ofpeople envy. Not that I am saying I want to be Dave Matthews. I just want to be one of those cool people who walk in find a guitar and pick it up and can strum some chords. Its always when you show that ability that someone else will say "I have always wanted to learn that"

I can't wait for my life to move forward and be complete. I am so ready for the next big stage in life, whatever it may be. I just know that awesome things ill happen soon and that I need to be prepared. It is a sullen thought to think of so many other people who wsate their lives on frivolous activities or none at all. So many people waste their energy on sitting around. Instead of being assertive and moving forward they remain apathetic and lifeless almost. I pray that my ambition continues to push me to do better and greater things. Truly though sometimes I find that I catch myself being apathetic because I wish to move to that next level. I have been at a level that I don't really know how long I will be at. I then want to move to the next but don't have the ways means or opportunity to find the next step. I am proud though to say that I can see already that I a doing better than some of my friends and where they are in their lives right now. In fact some people who are older than me and been working longer aren't as far along as I am. Yet something in me wishes for more. All in God's timing.

I can't complain about life. I'm out.



Well I found my first Geocache the other day in Williamsburg. It is always great to find a new hobby. It really is a neat way to get some exercise in while having a fun incentive at the end. I found out about this from my post-Grad class on GIS. I really love GIS now and find its ambiguity really interesting.