Intense game of chess with my boo at the Memorial Day party. I was doing my best to try and teach her how to play. I think she learned some things.

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The Bat
This is a bat I caught in midflight using my Canon 350D. I just set it to P mode and did a manual focus and just waited to capture it. I wanted to do action rapid fire but I knew that the flash wouldnt fire off and to use it with longer shutter times would blur since I was shooting free hand. Either way I think its a pretty neat shot. I have some others but this was the best. I might try some different ways of shooting later on. Enjoy!!

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Gmail Drive
UNBELIEVABLE!! If you goto viksoe.dk a developer by the name Bjarke Viksoe created a bit of code that allows me to drop drag folders to my Gmail account like an FTP!! Phenominal!! The guys a def. genius!! Love it already!! Now I need more space... heheh

More Phlower Photography... the symmetry and colors of Phlowers is what make them such good subjects (plus they dont move around :op) The anthers are what I kept sharp but it worked out great...

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This is Dave's engine. Dave's engine is fast. Hehe... My brother drives an SRT-4 (obviously). It's exterior resembles a Dodge Neon but under the hood prowls this engine which is turbo-charged and intercooled. He could list out ALL the specs as to horsepower, foot pounds of torque, and so forth and so on; but he's asleep so just take my word for it... its QUICK (which is still an understatement). Again I apoligize for what seem to be random pictures but I just LOVE my new Canon Rebel XT so I am puttin it thru the paces by taking pictures of different types of textures and styles. Whether it is action, still life, or some portraits; I am just tryin to get a feel for all the different Creative modes available on it. If you get the coin put away I HIGHLY suggest you pick one up yourself. :o)

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My Puppy Leeloo
Leeloo loves carrying sticks that are FAR too large for her... its so funny cause it will be lopsided and hanging all wierd out of her mouth. The best part is when she tries to walk past a tree or something and the stick is so far out that she runs into the object.

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PFC Charles on his way to serve
We miss you brother... stay safe out there and know that we are all praying for you here at home :o)

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Julie having fun with her big brother: Private First Class Charles Byrd, the night before his deployment. We are praying for you Chuck. Stay safe brother...

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C2 River Day
C2... not fully represented but a good number of us. This was @ Belle Island here in Richmond VA

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