Stuck in Erie
So my parents wanted to goto Toronto this weekend and visit some friends. Either way we were just out side Erie and then the temperature shot through the roof and we pulled over and realized something was wrong with the radiator cause it was cool to the touch and after thousand some miles of driving I should have been hot enough to cook on. Well we called a friend and he decided we probably had a sticky thermostat which would explain the fluid not getting in the block and therefore not cooling in the radiator which would in turn make the radiator hot. Sigh... So no we are stuck at a AAA workshop trying to get this radiator thermostat installed.

So Bill and I have started our Podcast!! Its official and online over at TechTalkGuys.com
This is my setup in my room of my Samson C01U mic and stand with pop filter. Its amazing the quality of this mic and only for 80 dollars. Its just like the XLR condenser mic of the same name, but this one just feeds power from the USB

I just felt like punching out amessage on my phone. I have always liked just pressing buttons and what better way than to try and make a blog entry on my phone.
Today has been one of those lazy sort of sundays. I got back from church had a leisurely eaten lunch. And the proceeded to veg out on the internet prowling for articles of interest. Now with that I have my del.icio.us page and my digg account feeds all streaming down, I have dozens if not hundreds of articles at the ready. Its interesting, but now that one line 30 character blurb makes or break whther the article is read.
In the new Web 2.0 world information flows constantly and is in a fully customized interface. Now I know most of us think that the scrolling ticker on CNN or Fox is annoying but I think we just want it so we can hover over and get the ticker to stop and scroll back and forth. I feel that current... I will have to finish this later...