God's Glory
Some mornings I wonder why the heck do I bring my camera out with me to lug around and sometimes never get a shot... one look at this one taken early in the morning is all it takes... now I can share the beauty of God's creation with all who see this picture... It just takes your breath away

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Congrats to Blake & Alli!!
Look at me cutting a rug... :o) I was having fun at the reception, Thanks for the dance Spidey and Anna I wish you could have been there with me...

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June 11th was Blake's wedding down in St. Pete, FL. It was an awesome wedding down on the beach. Not my personal favorite cause I want some walls and church like structure, though some can argue that the Earth is God's church so anywhere is a church. I just like the traditional style of church with pews and an altar. Not to knock Blake's ceremony cause it was gorgeous (I will post pictures later when I get home). Right now I am in Ft. Worth, TX cause I have some work to do for my Pastor here. I just really miss my boo right now. Anna is back at home and she has so much free time but I am WAY over here nearly half way across the country just wishing I was back there to be with her. I will get back to VA only on the 23rd of this month. Gosh... I know that this being on the road thing seems all adventurous and cool, but there is just times when you want your girlfriend to come and give you a hug and just be close, you want to sleep in your own bed, you want to eat at your favorite places. Sigh... there are some fun stuff to traveling as far as seeing new things and places, being able to finish those books that needed finishing. Oh well at this point all those are passing into just conveniences. I really wanna just get home to my baby and to my home and to my dogs. Laters...
International CXT
An International CXT!! hehe... this behemoth was sitting at my brother's high school for a Cancer research fundraiser. I swear it was massive... I wish I could justify owning such a vehicle but it really is way way overboard... and thats alot coming from me!! :oP hehe

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Happy Anniversary for Anna!! I love you boo...
This picture is of Anna and I on our one year anniversary, celebrating at the James River. We started dating one year ago on June 5, 2004 (obviously since its our one year anniversary, but I am clarifying cause I posted this on the 6th). Now for the story of how it all started... We were driving back late to Anna's house after dropping off Ashley at her house. That's when I told Anna that she was very special to me and that I cared for her. On the way back we stopped off at our church cause I noticed some outside lights were on that should have been off. I hopped out to get the lights while leaving my truck on so I could see. Well I drive a big Dodge Ram so Anna sitting in the passenger seat is about 2.5 feet away from me seperated by a fold-up center armrest that doubles as a seat. Well while I was out turning off the lights Anna slid over and folded the rest up. Now this was unbeknownst to me cause I had the headlights of the truck in my eyes. So I walked around to the driver side and opened the door and lo and behold the most beautiful woman in the world was sitting RIGHT next to my seat. I didn't tell her then but my heart was goin about 500 mph. I climbed up like I was all big and bad and expected it and put my arm around her and we left the church for home. On the drive, we talked some more and we pretty much agreed that we should start dating. It was really important and special to us because Anna and I have never dated any one else before nor approached our parents about it. But in our hearts we knew then that we were meant to be together. Well I have to get ready to go help my dad so parts of the story are left out but I can post later. I just wanted to share our first night together when we really started dating.

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God decided to make Anna and I's first anniversary special so He hooked us up with a beautiful rainbow on our way home. :o)

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Sadly the day did have to come to an end but then once more God pulled one out of the hat for us and painted a gorgeous sunset across the sky. I love you Anna. Thank you so much for the past year and for the years to come. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for you and I. I love you so much.

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Puppy Leeloo lounging on the top stair and wondering why I am bothering her at nearly 1 in th morning. She is just such an expressive dog. You can read her like you can read a human.

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