A good portion of my friends from church left yesterday for Finland and should be arriving sometime later today. I really really wish I could be there with them, but unfortunately school stuff is keeping me from going. I wish I could like blast some cash and just zip up there for the weekend but I am not some millionaire to spend the 2000 bucks to make the trip. Sigh... I love to travel and I really had wished to travel with the youth on this trip. Oh well... I will have to deal with it and move on.
Poor Israeli Soldier

The interesting thing about the middle east is how the conflicts there haven't changed since Ishmael walked away from Abraham. Israel is right in the middle over the Holy Land that they claim as their own. The Islamic religion unfortunately has many holy sites within the walls of the Jewish held territory. The Israeli state doesn't exsist in the eyes of the Palestinians and the Palestinians dont exsist in the eyes of the Israelis. What is most disturbing is the willingness of surrounding Arab nations to jump in and back up Palestine in its efforts to wipe out Israel. Israel on the other hand has an insane track record for being able to fight. Anyone remember the 7 day war?
a soldier's hands, a father's love
This is just an awesome image I found on flickr... Happy Father's Day
Canon love
So today I received an early Graduation/Birthday/Christmas present from my dad... a Canon 30d. And boy I am in love with Canon all over again. The camera is beautiful. Its a bit beefier than its lil' brother the 20d. In addition to its added heft the camera also has a gorgeous 2.5" LCD in comparison to the LCD that my XT had to offer (1.8"). It feels really solid in my hand though. I am so happy with the metal body of this beauty. Compared to the plastic structure of my XT this cold metal feel of the 30d just feels so nice. I really though my XT was a spacious camera that was big and let me move freely about it but now picking up my 30d its amazing how much room I was missing out on. It is really amazing. In addition to the camera my dad also got a 85mm f1.8 lens. Its so clean and fast. The bokeh that it produces is also amazing.

2 Years ago

2 Years ago a comet fell into the world of my life like a bolt out of no where. I knew of its exsistence, this heavenly body orbitting around my world making brief appearances. It never really entered my life directly. It only just came in passing. Then two years ago our orbits intersected. A cosmic confluence of two entities led to the creation of a better world. That comet was Anna. The love of my life.
Ever since she and I started dating my world has been changed. I know have a beautiful person that will always support me and back me up in whatever I do. Sometimes she may not support me or question what I do, usually though she is right and I am wrong so its to my benefit if I listen.
God you have blessed me with the most beautiful women alive. She is so amazing. Beyond the physical aspects of her, her intellect is astounding. She parries with me in intellectual and philosophical debates constantly. Proverbs 27:17 says it all "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." In my case though its Anna sharpening me or in some cases dulls me. I know in most cases I can be brutally blunt. She can sense what I am about to and will immediately be the angel on my shoulder that will make me rethink what I might say or do. Even that. So many times she just knows what I am thinking or about to say and will interrupt my thoughts with a concise "Don't even think about it..." She is such a godsend... I wish I could write more but I would rather spend time with her instead of being behind this machine.