This weekend is the Resonate Conference here in Williamsburg at CLC (Annas church while she's here @ Will & Mary). I have had an awesome time so far and have been freed of some things that made me have a hard time being a leader. Now I am sitting in a leadership meeting that is being led by Doug Lasit. He's an excellent pastor who had come to my Youth Retreat a few years back and he still remembers me. Either way this is a phenomenal conference that has a serious impact on anyone that attends. Ok anyway onto the notes.
The World Trade Centers were attacked on 9-11. These great buildings fell down and were turned to nothing but rubble. Some people say nothing was left, but in reality the foundation still was intact. "If your foundation is strong, you are a comeback waiting to happen"
Doug Lasit ~
Understand the responsibility that you have as a youth shepherd
Luke 14:28-30 ~ building
John 10 - hireling (agenda and an office or title & kids suffer cause they aren't truly fed) vs. Actual shepherd (when enemy attacks they will run in with whatever they have)
Family and ministry are together, one does not steal from the other. Live in the calling so your family is there together with it.
For which of you intending to build a tower, does not first site down and count the cost and whether he has enough to finish it. lest after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish all who see it begin to mock him saying 'This man began to build and was not able to finish'
Great intentions wont pay the cost (Time pays the cost)
The cost will be paid by someone, it should not be the youth
One mans entire vision is another mans foundation
You should not be the one that causes a student to mock the church
People are watching you build
God decides when you are finished. Your responsibility is to finish everything that you begin
Develop a plan that you cannot possibly build in the time that you think you have
Never allow young people to suffer cause of your vision for your life
Understand the vision of your senior pastor
You are there to serve the vision of church and the vision of the senior pastor.
What is your vision for your youth?
What is my role in this church?
Commit to growing in your youth ministry gifting and skill
Learning stage - initial beginning where people don't know what they are doing <10% style="font-weight: bold;">Vision stage - finally grab ahold of what you wanna do with the kids
Equipping stage - parents suddenly come to you to ask what to do with their kids Keep your youth ministries resolve intact
Resolve= in action, value or direction that you are commited to regardless of the cost or difficulty to have resolve is to continue beyound what your mind can accept
The resolve of NEVER forsaking my family for the sake of the ministry - if you do you will lose both family and minsitry
The resolve to give up on any young person
The resolve to serve my senior pastor and his vision
The resolve to maintain my personal prayer life - Dont get so busy you cant pray
The resolve to never place my ministry over the welfare of the church
church is a boat and you must stay within the wake dont try to swing out or you will lose momentum and you will
The resolve to serve and love the families of the church
The resolve to never forsake the preaching of the word for fads or trends
Bible gives a frame for you to preach on
its the frame work or skeleton
The resolve to value the ministry of the __ in my ministry
The resolve to have a __ even when it is difficult
The resolve to never take credit for the things that God has done
What are the whats that will lead to our purpose with philosophy behind purpose. Philosophy of the church must match up. Strategy needs to be brought in to explain the "How". Then "Implementation" needs to be done.
Carry a GUN ~ Doug Lasit said so (Especially if you have a daughter)